GO's for UGC pay scales

A Compendium of Government Orders (1998-2014)

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Fitment formula for fixation of pay of Lecturers in UGC pay scales of 2016 from State RPS 2020 

Implementation of UGC Pay Scales, 2016

Lecturers, who got promotions from the cadre of JLs during the year,2016 and continuing in State Scales RPS,2015

G.O.Ms.No: 15, Dated: 29-06-2019 - UGC Pay Scales, 2016

Fitment formula for fixation of pay of Lecturers in UGC pay scales of 2006 from State RPS 2015

CCE orders for Fitment formula for fixation in UGC Pay Scales under FR.22(b) and FR.22(a).

G.O.Ms.No. 1,  Dated 08-01-2015 Fitment formula in UGC, 2006 pay scales

G.O.Ms.No: 47, Collegiate Education Service Rules

UGC Pay Scales, 2006

N Srinivasa Rao, Asst.Prof. of Physics
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